Lately, I’ve been experiencing a dizzying rise in energy. Even though I have a bunch of new projects ahead of me, I’m experiencing a pleasant thrill rather than anxiety like I used to. I don’t know how it happened, but I’ve let go of a lot of things in my life and it’s helped me relax and look to the future with eyes wide open, full of hope and inspiration. Today I tried to analyze why I came to this state and I realized that I have made life changes in some of my actions. Here I want to spell out these things so that you too can improve your mood and condition. So, how to live happily:
Here are the things I’ve been doing lately!
Watch the sunset whenever possible: After a busy workday, find some free time and lose yourself in the moments of sunset, enjoying the twilight. No matter where you are, try to pay attention to nature, simply turn off the whirlwind of your mind, and admire the colors of the sky.
Send messages to people who matter to you: It’s nice to spend time writing words full of support, love, and affection. In today’s world, this is very important!
Always see the good side: I believe that everything that happens to us has two sides, good and bad. We tend to choose whether to complain or solve problems. Try to remove negative thoughts from yourself, tune in to the positive and then you will see that even the most difficult issues will be easier to bear. This is another wonderful way to live a happy life.
Create stories in your mind: Imagine what the perfect world would be like, what colors it would have, who lives in it, what it feels like. Walk through it, explore new places. I really enjoy fantasizing like this while lying in bed before sleep. It not only helps me relax, but sometimes these stories continue in my dreams.
Keep a journal: Write. Paper can stay silent. A journal will listen attentively to your words and will not judge you.
Take a shower: Lift your head, close your eyes, and feel each drop gently touch your face. It’s like dancing in the rain.
Look for pictures in the clouds: The wind and clouds together are true artists. They create beautiful drawings about us, and we often don’t even realize it. But don’t worry, they don’t mind—they do it simply because they enjoy it.
Know how to say “No” at the right time: We can avoid confusion by saying just one word at the right time. Don’t be afraid to say it.
Pay attention to the nature around us: Here’s another great idea on how to live happily. On a small piece of land, there is so much life, so much nature, so many things we can appreciate. Watch the ants, and you’ll be amazed by their intelligence. Butterflies flying, dragonflies in the water, birds singing at dawn. A heart beating to the same rhythm as a hummingbird’s wings. Take a walk in wooded areas, spend an hour gazing out the window. I do this and never regret it, even though I always have so much work to do. But the distraction captivates me!
Looking for more inspiration? Then check out my recent related posts: Hobbies for little witches and My favorite holiday.
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