Sometimes I want to be that girl. The one who seems like she came from another world. She’s like a bright spot in a gray world, though in reality, things could be entirely different. And she might actually be an unnoticed speck among vibrant people. But something draws attention to her specifically.
She might walk among the crowd in the subway, or catch your eye in the middle of a lively conversation with friends, causing you to forget what you were even talking about. But you feel the significance of encountering her.
You can’t quite understand what exactly caught your attention. Maybe it’s her gaze or the movement of her hand. It’s as if she possesses some secret that only she knows. Or maybe it’s her appearance and clothing, which seem like an extension of herself. As if it’s that small part of her soul that she allows to be seen, lifting the veil just a bit.
There’s a minuscule chance you’ll approach her and ask her name, so she’ll remain a distant figure in your memory forever. But you’ll think of her during those quiet moments when you’re riding the bus or watching a boring show. You’ll understand that she’s special because, out of all the people you pass on the street, it’s her you remember.
It’s as if the whole world revolves around her. Writers take her image for their books. Screenwriters paint her on screens, trying to connect their heroine with her. They know that this girl will never be a part of your life beyond their works.
Most of the time, I enjoy being myself – being an observer, rather than someone who wants to be noticed and remembered. But sometimes I want to be that girl who catches the eye. A bright spot among the ordinary.
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